Implant Art

Implanty stomatologiczne/ Dental implants


Dr. Piotr Stępień, implantologist, dental surgeon, owner of the IMPLANT-Art

Dental office IMPLANT-Art

Modern solutions in implantology, Warszawa Mokotów, Metro Wilanowska

Implant-Art is a modern dental office that has been operating in the Mokotów district of Warsaw for several years. Our priority is the health and comfort of our patients, to whom we offer comprehensive care and assistance from experienced and friendly staff at every stage of dental treatment.

Using technologically advanced medical and diagnostic equipment, including X-ray devices, among others. 3D computed tomography, we offer our patients services at the highest level. The dental implants we use are also of the best global brands. High-quality implants are covered by a long-term warranty in our office.


of the IMPLANT-Art, Warszawa Mokotów

Dental office offer

Treatments in the field of implantology and dental surgery

We specialize in performing implantology and dental surgery procedures. We also deal with pediatric and aesthetic dentistry, orthodontics, prosthetics, periodontology, endodontics, teeth whitening and general prevention.

We develop our skills not only in practice, but also in theory, by constantly participating in domestic and foreign congresses and trainings. Thanks to this, we can offer our patients the latest medical solutions: implants, aesthetic reconstructions, veneers and all-ceramic crowns. The implants we use are safe and proven solutions that help our patients enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile again.

We treat our patients individually – we adapt treatment methods to their expectations and requirements, and crowns, veneers and implants are one of the elements that help us achieve success and a beautiful smile for each patient.

Dental dentures - all-on-4 concept offer*

As a solution for implant prosthetic treatment based on 4 implants

Patients often struggle with removable restorations such as acrylic or skeleton dentures. We encounter many problems when wearing them.
We are afraid of falling out, shifting, aesthetic effect, and putting on an artificial palate causes us to vomit. You can exchange it endlessly.

What if we told you that we have the perfect solution to your problems?

*the name of the concept is the property of Nobel Biocare and all trademarks are their property.


March 5 is National Dentist Day

We are happy that our entire team can help our patients create their beautiful smiles!



Hygienization (scaling + sandblasting)

Regular professional teeth cleaning is very important.



Metamorphosis – veneers

A young patient came to us after several attempts to whiten her discolored teeth.


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